What We Offer:
*Evangelism Ministry
Matt 4:19 Jesus said, "Come follow me and I will teach you how to fish for men." Jesus is our greatest example and He has given us the greatest secret to being successful at winning people when He said, " Come FOLLOW ME" Evangelism is the very heart beat of who we are. Everyday we look for divine appointments, whether in restaurant, at the gym, in the sauna, at the grocery store, school, work... there is always an opportunity to strike up a conversation We believe 1on1 lifestyle evangelism and will teach your congregation the simplest way to "WIN SOULS!"
* 3 Day Encounters
A 3 Day Encounter is a POWERFUL and IMPACTFUL 3 days where people WILL Encounter Jesus and the Revelation of the CROSS. We will teach on the 7 distinct places that Jesus shed His blood and how we can apply that VICTORY in our lives on a daily basis. During the Encounter, we will work with individuals in smaller group settings where the men will gather and the ladies will gather for time of sharing and praying with one another.
*All teachings are from Pastor Cesar Castellanos book; "Just One Drop of the Blood of Jesus."
* School Assemblies
Through power demonstrations and feats of strength Ray and Jannet show children of all ages and adults alike that they can overcome challenges and tough times. When you realize that you're not born a winner or a loser - you're born a chooser, you can choose to be a champion in life.
What You Can Expect:
• One of the most dynamic and inspirational School Assemblies
• Students and teachers will be inspired and motivated to choose to be a CHAMPION
• Students and teachers will be taught what it means to be a TRUE-CHAMPION in life
• Age related topics such as; Making Good Choices- Bullying - Peer Pressure - Drug Prevention - Alcohol Abuse - Abstinence - Suicide -Self Esteem - Violence - Power of Words -Character Building - Being A Dream Maker and Not A Dream Breaker